So this one takes me past the 100 mark, yay! Old poll ended, new poll started!
I've stopped playing World of Warcraft for the fourth time this week, and currently I'm gameless o_O. I dont really feel like going back to DotA again so I'll just gonna chill with the gaming for a while. Age of Conan looks a bit interesting but I'm a little negative to the "playable on Xbox as well" concept, the PC controls might suffer from that. Gonna check if they have and free trial week or something, dont wanna pay for a game that's probably just a wow with a prettier dress.
Aria, one of the best animes I've seen, have ended. Boohoo . Great ending though, and there's still a DVD-only episode unreleased.
That will have to do for May, next time its summer (we're not quite there yet up here in luleå) see ya then.